Sunday, October 13, 2013


You are hungry. You get bored easily, dangerous. You love, you want to give and love so much. Nurturer. You are as fragile as can be but nobody knows, nobody needs to know. Tough. You move the pieces of the puzzle, sit back and watch. Control. Very good observer, to a talent. You respond to good manners. You want to know and you think you know it all. What's yours is yours, jealousy is a bitch. Afraid to lose, afraid to hurt. Your strength alienates you. It feels lonely sometimes but its ok, people are loud. You like silence, you need silence. Letting go? What does that even mean? You beat yourself up. Bitter. Mysterious. Loyal. Injustice hurts like a low blow. Eternally underestimated, you like to believe that. Everything feels intense. Love is really all you need. Your intuition runs wild and you want to change the world. #Scorpio

Friday, September 27, 2013


Yesterday at a Real Estate conference, I sat down with other 5 individuals at the same table. Since the beginning, two of them didn't stop talking until I finally turned around and said: "Guys, do you mind? I can't hear a thing". The lady said "I'm sorry" and I turned to the front again. It got worse,  the three of them to my right continued talking, checking constantly on their phones, writing notes to each other, passing them around, laughing, cracking knuckles; the guy at some point started to play with a ball! Yes! Bouncing a little, green ball on the table! I had to do it. I wrote on a note something like this: "Some of the qualities of successful people: - be respectful, - be present, - use your time wisely." Then wrote my name and the url of my website at the back of the note and kept trying to listen to the speakers.

When I couldn't take it any longer, I stood up, gave them the note and left.

My heart was pounding. I would've never dare to do such a thing. But, besides the fact that they were extremely distracting, their lack of consideration just blew my mind. We can't just behave towards each other like that, it's a principle of human dignity. There were two other men at the table trying to listen as well. And the worst part is that all the presentations were about giving tools for everyone to improve their businesses, they just missed it all.

I constantly learn from my Kabbalah Teachers that we have to be more mindful, more awake, we need to see beyond our little universe and feel other people. I learn that when we are caring of others, we plant seeds of peace. Only God knows how much we need of that.

It takes time, practice and its certainly not easy at times but it is a choice we can make every second of our days.

After my little faux pas, I changed tables and the rest of the day went beautiful :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dr. Perfect.

You're annoying, why don't you call? Did I upset you? Dr. doesn't like to be told what to do? I think I won't answer the phone anymore, who cares? I've downgraded from marriage to a live person, that can't be good. Why can't I see you? Me always with all these questions. I tell my friends "our" story and it just sounds all up side down fucked up and sexy. Ugh. Go away, no please don't go. Come close, just come closer. I won't hurt you, please don't hurt me. Disappear forever or just stay but do it already. My 50 shades of Dr. Perfect.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Single or unmarried...

I say single...

This train of thoughts

I can't get settled for this little of you.

Metrocitizen May 17, 2010

Ok. El dia empezo asi...
Me levanto con una pereza terrible, cabe mencionar que el dia anterior me dormi a las 3:00 a.m. Ando con ansias desde hace un par de dias, ustedes comprenderan.

Entonces, asi la cosa. No mas no me pidia levantar. Como nunca sudece, por aquello de la maternidad y la mascota, hoy si pude dormir hasta las 9! Por fin lo logro y empieza el dia.

Asi se veia el panorama... Con sueño yo mera, sin tequila para la fiesta y me faltaba TODO el arreglo personal, llamese manicure, pedicure, corte de pelo con tratamiento y secado, depilado de ceja y labio superior (como le llaman aqui), ahh y los zapatos. Recoger el poster, el alcohol, las tarjetas de presentacion, llevar el alcohol al restaurante, llegar a casa, sacar a la perra, comer en algun momento, vestirme y maquillarme. Gracias.

Yo, por alguna razon en este universo, sentia que tenia muchisimo tiempo para lograr con exito y sin prisas todas mis actividades. Hasta pense en asolearme, es bonito ver que todavia conservo mi inocencia.

Bueno, alla voy. Salgo de aqui a las 12 del dia.

Zapatos: 2:30 hrs. me tarde. A la mitad de mi busqueda, me reuno con uno de mis patrocinadores... a media calle, le camine dos cuadras para encontrarlo mas rapido y seguir con mi mision lo antes posible. Es mayo, ok? Hace calor. Cuando estoy en la recta final de la compra, recibo una llamada de que el alcohol estaba listo para que su servidora pasara por el. Una gran bendicion que me tomo una hora mas materializar.

Vamos bien, zapatos y alcohol ya tenemos.
De aqui me lanzo a recoger las tarjetas de presentacion, todo bien, todavia con tiempo. Con un pequeño detalle, todas salieron con un pequeño puntito, diminuto amarillo que nadie invito a la pachanga.

Manicure, pedicure y depilada: Con zapatos en mi poder, me doy a la tarea de encontar un salon. Es lunes, esto es nuevo para mi... agarrenme la onda. Los salones de belleza cierran en lunes. La unica cita que hice fue con la chava del cabello, ella me dijo que su salon cerraba y le rogue que me atendiera. Claro, que esto lo hice con anticipacion y nunca pregunte porque cerraban los lunes. Pense que era cosa de ella. En fin, de las dos horas que tenia destinadas a esta actividad, me tarde una en encontar el lugar, y rogarle al encargado (a) que por favor me atendiera, hasta que por fin alguien se apiado de mi.

El cabello, ayy... el cabello. Le pregunto a mi querida Gloria "Cuanto tiempo te tardas?" "45 min" dice ella. Es la mujer que siempre me arregla el pelo, yo sabia que a esos 45 min habia que agregarle unos 30 por lo menos. Hasta mi siesta me eche mientras ella me arreglaba Aqui se fueron 2:15 hrs. Cuando volteo a ver el reloj, eran las 8:30 pm. La mujer seguia en la peinadera y me faltaba... bueno, bastante.

Only time will tell.

I'm fighting one big opponent right now. You're so perfect... but.